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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Unwind: A tear jerking tale with morals to spare

Unwind by Neal Shusterman was a book that brought tears to my eyes. I'd give this book five stars and a lot of used tissues, as I had to keep them on hand. I knew this book would be dark when I started it, but I didn't know how dark it was and how much it's concepts would hit close to home. It shook me up. The morals found in this book are amazing. Compassion seems to be the underlying theme.

When Pro-Life and Pro-Choice have it out, this is our future. With a bill that allows retro-active abortions. It says that all life is sacred until the age of 13 when they can be retro-actively "unwound". This sounded bad to me at first but when I found out what it really meant... I felt like this...

They take the child and cut them into pieces, while keeping them alive. The child's parts are then used in others (such as if someone has lost a finger or needs a new heart). This was gruesome. This story follows three AWOL unwinds and how they try to find compassion in a world that seems to no longer have any.

Though the world here is crumbling into the fringes of human emotion, it's still captivating. The author really shows us just how much turning our heads from those that are in need can hollow us out, and leave the world empty and cold. There are characters in this book to whom all I'd want to say is ..

Follow Connor as his parents give him up to be unwound *cough* chop shop *cough* because he's too much to handle, Risa as she's scheduled for an unwinding because she's a ward of the state and it's budget cut time, and Lev being given up for his religion, as they try to escape their unfair fate. Along the way you might just learn a little bit more about yourself. I know I did. 

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