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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Book Review on Splintered by A.G. Howard: A twist that will leave you breathless

Okay so I read this wonderful book called Splintered by A.G. Howard. This book was amazing! I've always loved classic fairy tales (and what girl can't relate to that?). However, one of my least favorite fairy tales was Alice in Wonderland. I found the book tedious, as I'm sure most of you can agree. This is anything but tedious! A.G. Howard's take on Alice in Wonderland, turning it into a demented yet enchanting place, and putting her descendants right in the thick of an age-old curse was a unique idea that left me breathless and captivated.
Even background characters such as Rabid White (The White Rabbit) have turned into something both grotesque and beautiful. Their backgrounds are subtly interwoven into the book so as to give you every detail that this author makes you yearn for. 
Our main heroine, Alyssa, does nothing but leave you wanting to cry and cheer for her. Her selfish attitude leaves her as a perfect role model. As a reader I couldn't put the book down. Alyssa has to be one of the most inspiring characters I've found yet. Of course, the hot romance between her and Morpheus certainly does the book no harm. Of course, that's if she doesn't end up with her long time crush Jeb, but who wouldn't want an all-seeing beautiful creature that does nothing but long for her (oh yes I can already hear the Jeb and Morepheus fans a-screamin'.)?

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